UKPNP Chairman Sardar Shaukat Ali Kashmiri Honored Respected Prof. Naela Quadri Prime Minister GOB in Exile with Dinner at Geneva.

UKPNP Chairman Sardar Shaukat Ali Kashmiri Honored Respected Prof. Naela Quadri Prime Minister GOB in Exile with Dinner at Geneva.

Geneva (Desk Report) :

In a significant development towards voicing their concerns over the occupation of their lands and promoting the struggle for sovereignty, Sardar Shaukat Kashmiri, a senior politician and Chairman of the United Kashmir People’s National Party (UKPNP), honored Madam Prof. Naela Quadri Baloch, Prime Minister of the Government of Balochistan in Exile, with a dinner on 30th June 2023 in Geneva. The dinner served as a platform for both leaders to discuss mutual interests and devise plans for a combined effort against the ongoing occupation.

During the course of the dinner, Sardar Shaukat Kashmiri and Madam Prof. Naela Quadri Baloch engaged in extensive discussions on the pressing issues faced by their respective regions. The abuse of human rights by Pakistani state forces, including enforced disappearances, extrajudicial killings, restrictions on freedom of expression, and freedom of assembly, were topics of profound concern that were brought to the forefront.

In light of the gravity of these human rights violations, Sardar Shaukat Kashmiri and Madam Prof. Naela Quadri Baloch emphasized the need for immediate intervention by the United Nations and its associated bodies. They called upon the international community to take action and address these critical human rights abuses in order to restore justice and ensure the protection of basic rights for the affected communities.

The distinguished dinner was attended by prominent individuals who share a commitment to the cause of their respective regions. Among the attendees were Sardar Nasir Aziz Khan, Jameel Maqsood, Waja Siddique Azad Baloch, Dorrain Baloch, Munir Mengal, and Morad Baloch. The presence of these influential figures further solidified the importance of the gathering and highlighted the shared determination to work together for a common cause.

At the conclusion of the dinner, Waja Siddique Azad Baloch, Secretary General of the Baloch Peoples Congress, and Munir Mengal, President of the Baloch Voice Association, expressed their gratitude towards Sardar Shaukat Ali Kashmiri, Chairman of the UKPNP, and other officeholders of the party for organizing the event and bestowing them with this honor. They acknowledged the significance of such platforms in fostering collaboration and rejuvenating efforts to counter the occupation and oppression faced by their communities.

The dinner served as a reminder of the unity among the Baloch and Kashmiri leadership in their struggle for self-determination and sovereignty. The shared commitment and determination exhibited by the attendees of this gathering underscored their resolve to continue fighting for their rights and raising awareness on the international stage.

As the struggle for independence and the protection of human rights remains ongoing, events such as this dinner highlight the importance of unity and collaboration in the face of adversity. The coming together of leaders from different regions emphasizes the collective effort to oppose occupation and secure a brighter future for the people of Balochistan and Kashmir.

1 Comment

  1. Jai

    Mixing the cause of Balauch families with the thriving communities of Indian J&K you people are doing disservice & trivialising the agony of entire Balauchistan. Using dinner as a platform to show unity between the two different communities is laughable as many young crying ladies and girls of Balauchistan who’s family men are still untraceable, will see you as only foreign elites oblivious to the gravity of the situation. Your direction of campaign for legitimate freedom of Balauchistan can not & must not be paired with any other community including Kashmir & Palestine. In my view, Sardar Shaukat must seek an appointment with Indian authorities with intent to participate in democratic secular election process in J&K for the betterment of his new generation who want developmentwith a respectable living which the secular democracy of India is giving to thousands of fully satisfied Kashmiris.Please go & visit there to see & believe yourself.

    So please run the Balauchistan campaign independently if you want independence of Balauchistan otherwise your natives will not take you seriously and will not forgive you for your insensibility to their wounds. Pakistan is a lost entity now, they know & the whole world knows. The idea of mixing religion with democracy & and governing people on jihad, begging, handouts, and hate has failed.
    Retrieve your millennium old adorable Balauch secular heritage in isolation without mixing words of faith with other communities. Time for exercise of optics is gone, rather time has come to take reasonable sensible action to prove Dr Niala Kadri is ready to govern Balauchistan independently with moralistic values in all policies regardless of faith.

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